Check Your mental health with 4 this indicator

Mental health is often excluded by society. When it should, not only the physical body but the psychic or mental health are also noteworthy. Because the soul which disrupted can cause a poor quality of life so that the impact on physical health.

Mental health is a condition of emotion, psychology, and social balance. These conditions affect how a person's feelings, ways of thinking, and how to survive in the midst of the community. Mental health also affects the decision-making process and how does one deal with stress. It also influenced the decision-making process and how does one deal with stress.

Millions of people live with different types and levels of disturbance. These disorders include drug addiction, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, and others. In light levels, disturbance of inhabitants often does not require specific therapy and can be improved by itself. However, severe mental disorders need professional medical handling.

Through a variety of ongoing studies and research, now can be identified through psychiatric symptoms early so that it can be prevented and treated before it worsens.

The following 4 main sign of mental health disorders:

1. Emotions

Someone who is experiencing mental pressure usually feels sadness or vary. A sad sense appears suddenly without a clear reason for 2 weeks or more, it can be categorized as a tendency to depression.

The person can also be moody and irritable. Note If there is a change in emotions that fast in a short time, such as sad and then upset the next day and then turned into a too happy for no reason.

2. Physical

Early physical symptoms of disorders of the soul are feeling tired and limp continuously, the existence of a drastic weight change (up or down), and changes in appearance such as rarely treat yourself.

In a person with mental pressure, usually found disruption of normal sleep patterns and eating extreme beds, for example, continuous or even insomnia. Some disorders of the soul can also cause heart palpitations, nausea, headaches, and sweat profusely.

3. Behavior

Behavior change is usually the one sign of mental disorder are the most easily recognized from someone. Changes in behavior can vary, but usually in extreme away from the behavior typically, for example, pulled away from the crowds, neglect of duty, or even abusing drugs and alcohol.

4. Psychology

Someone who suffered psychiatric disorder can show a variety of psychology, however, deteriorate over time. Mark psychology flavor of them pessimistic, negative attitude towards others and life, often blame themselves, feel sorry, even the existence of a desire to commit suicide.

In a person with the disorder can also be found the soul of the declining to remembering, it's hard to concentrate, and excessive concern. If left without handling the psychological problems, can culminate in crimes such as theft or murder.

That's what signs you can use to check the health of your soul and the people around you. If you find symptoms of the disorder tendencies of the soul, you can quickly consult a mental health specialist for the detection and early examination.

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