5 reasons Late Menstruation in addition to Pregnancy

Menstruation is the physiological changes in a woman's body that occur periodically and reproductive hormones are affected by estrogen and progesterone. Menstruation has its own cycle. There is a regular cycle every month, but there are also irregular, it could be faster or frequent late menstruation. If late menstruation, don't immediately think you're pregnant! In fact, this delay can be caused by many different things.

1. Weight loss or excessive exercise

If the body mass index (BMI) you're under normal (i.e. < 18), you could experience a disruption of menstruation. Dietary disorders such as anorexia and bulimia can also cause late menstruation.

Menstrual disorders can also occur if you include people who do physical exercise in extreme or excessive exercising. Typically, this tends to happen to people who are trying to lose weight in a way the sport more extras than usual. Well, this condition will make your body prevent ovulation process so that you don't have enough estrogen, uterine lining formation does not occur in the uterine wall, and in the end, you do not get a menstrual period.

2. Stress

While you're being wracked by stress, then the brain hypothalamus area will be disturbed. In the area of the brain inhabited by hormones, including the hormones that regulate Your menstrual cycle. If this happens, menstruation may be late than the schedule should be. It should be noted, hypothalamus works easily affected by stress.

3. Thyroid disorders

The thyroid gland is a part of the endocrine system that is located in the front part of the neck. These glands produce hormones that help coordinate many body functions, as well as affecting growth and metabolism.

The hormone secreted by the thyroid gland also play a role in the normal development of organs such as the heart and brain, as well as for normal reproductive function. So, arguably the thyroid function to "make sure" system works with your body as it should be.

So, if you experience interference on the thyroid gland, either hypothyroid or hyperthyroid, this condition can affect Your menstrual cycle.

4. Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder with some typical symptoms are characterized by the presence of numerous cysts on the ovary (ovaries). PCOS occurs at 5-10 percent of the women and often is the cause of infertility in women.

This condition can cause you to have menstruation or menstruation becomes irregular. Other PCOS symptoms include the incidence of fuzz on the face and chest, obesity, and fertility problems. However, there are some women who do not feel the presence of typical symptoms of PCOS in addition to difficulty getting offspring (infertility). Infertility in PCOS sufferers occurs because of ovarian eggs was not able to release the egg each month.

5. Use of contraceptives

One of the side effects of the use of contraceptives is irregular bleeding. Starting from bleeding spots or flecks, and prolonged bleeding. In fact, it was noted that 70 percent of contraceptive users did not experience a menstrual cycle.

However, each individual has a different response in receipt of this hormone. When you stop using contraception, often it takes time for the menstrual cycle you back as before.

On the use of contraception hypodermic every three months (contraceptive injection progestins), a regular menstrual cycle will return obtainable within a span of 6 months up to one year after the contraceptive injection drug use stops. While in contraception hypodermic each fertility returns once a month, each woman is different, usually with a span was 3-12 months.

To smoothen the menstrual cycle, you can do these steps:

- Apply patterns to live healthier
- Sufficient rest
- Exercise regularly
- Avoid sports or activities that are too heavy
- Eat healthy food nutrition balanced
- Maintaining a fixed ideal weight
- Managing stress well
- Avoid taking any herbs or herbal remedies that are not obvious or drugs without a prescription
- Do the treatment if there is a specific disease

Next time, if you late menstruation, don't immediately think yourself contain, Yes! Apart from pregnancy, six reasons above could also because you are having late menstruation. If you've been trying to let regular menstruation but You still irregular, better consult this with the obstetrician and gynecologist in order to do the inspection and appropriate responses.

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