Why The Need To Haul A Year If You Want To Get Pregnant Again?

Maybe some of you have friends that are a distance of age with his brother just one year. If indeed the case, means the distance between the two is not a pregnancy to one year. Whereas, a distance of one-year pregnancy is highly recommended to maintain the healthy condition of pregnancy and childbirth.

During childbirth, the pain after Labor and weak body condition usually cannot directly be improved. In fact, most expectant mothers have to undergo intensive treatment in hospital for post-recovery labor. The process of pregnancy too close it is feared could pose a negative impact for the mother and baby at a later date.

The importance of spacing pregnancies

Reported by the BBC, a result of the research shows that women must wait at least a year to get pregnant again after giving birth. Yes, indeed somewhat different from the advice of the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a distance 18-24 month. This is certainly not without cause.
Because, when the maternity distances pregnant with first child second child too soon, the risk of health problems in mothers and children will increase.

According to a researcher named Dr. Wendy Norman, it was joyous news to most women, particularly women over 35 years old. Because, they have reason become strong in holding his partner's desire to quickly have more children, even though he had just given birth.
The research uses data almost 150,000 births in Canada was conducted by the University of British Columbia (UBC) and TH Chan of Harvard School of Public Health and published in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Meanwhile, relatively close between pregnancy can cause premature birth, low weight babies, as well as death in the mother and her baby. Not only that, breastfeeding when pregnant any time actually gives the effect of a less comfortable on the mother.

Because sensitive nipple area while pregnant would definitely feel pain when sucked up by the baby. "In addition, along with the expansion of its gestational age, the production of BREASTMILK will also decrease," says Dr. Anita Amalia Sari.

So, give a distance of at least one year of pregnancy is clearly beneficial for reducing the risk of complications. Furthermore, with the distance, the mother can also have more time to recuperate and take care of and educate her first child, so that the experience gained is also definitely a whole lot more.

The risk of pregnancy too close distance

Complications resulting from childbirth proximity too with the second pregnancy actually don't just happen at the ripe age of moms, but women aged 20 to 34 years of age also have the risk could be even higher.

Based on the results of the study, women over the age of 35 years who are pregnant again after 6 months of childbirth has a risk of 1.2 percent to experience death or complications of the disease. Whereas if they wait up to 18 months, the risk is decreased to 0.5 percent.

Somewhat different from the mature age women, women who are between the ages of 20-34 years have a risk of premature birth, death, and complications of the disease by as much as 8.5 percent. Whereas if they wait first until 18 months later, the negative risk decreased to 3.7 percent.

On the other hand, Dr. Sonia Hernandez-Diaz who is a researcher at a time Program Director Pharmacoepidemiology did TH Chan of Harvard School of Public Health revealed that the pregnancy is too close in women usually reflect the young age unplanned pregnancy.

Thus, how so that this doesn't happen? According to him, the use of contraceptives is the most effective way to cope with an unplanned pregnancy.

"Nevertheless, if pregnancy has already occurred many, should you focus just on the pregnancy, avoid stress, manage the intake of nutrients, and do control pregnancy regularly with obstetrics and gynecology specialist you," said Dr. Anita.

So based on the research results and explanations of doctors, mothers should give pause is recommended when want to get pregnant again, at least for the past 1-2 years. This is useful for restoring your condition after childbirth first, so avoid the risk of complications of diseases that endanger the mother and the baby.

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