Recognize The Signals Of When Your Body Aches

The human body is capable of giving a signal was not functioning well. Body signals usually perceived as complaints can seem trivial. Although generally mild, you need to recognize and alert because it can be caused by conditions that are more serious.
Already you're supposed to be more sensitive to signals of a given body because this could be early detection measures of the presence of a disease. So that is not too late and regret later on, these are the signals that could indicate the body is sick.

1. Fever

In General, fever is a condition increase body temperature, i.e. above 38 degrees Celsius. Fever is not a disease, but rather a sign of the beginning of the range of the underlying disease. Fever signals that the body works well for being able to react or provide resistance to infection.

2. Sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion

The emergence of the third complaint is generally about the same time. However, sneezing often precedes two other complaints. All three marks that you may be experiencing a recurrence of the flu or allergies. If these complaints continue to exist, carefully will the occurrence of sinusitis are usually accompanied by disorders of Olfaction (frequently realized as an impaired sensory taster and when someone no longer smelling-prompt gives the impression that specialized in his life).

3. A cough
Coughing is a reflex of the body to clear the mucus from the respiratory tract irritant substance like dust and smoke. Coughing can also indicate the body's resistance to the virus or bacteria cause infections of the respiratory tract. Just as a fever, this is a normal reaction an indication that the body is functioning well. Depending on the cause, complaint of a cough can be a dry cough, cough up phlegm so, or even a cough accompanied by blood.

4. A headache
Headaches can be experienced as throbbing, sharp pain sensations like punctured or feels tight like a tied up. The location, intensity, and triggers the headaches can be a clue to look for possible causes and types of headaches.

According to the International Headache Society, there are two types of headaches, namely primary and secondary headaches. Primary headaches are caused by interference on the part of the head like the muscles, blood vessels, and nerves, while secondary occurs due to another underlying disease, such as brain tumor, brain infection, brain hemorrhage, a stroke, or glaucoma.

5. Nausea, abdominal pain or diarrhea

Nausea, stomach cramps, or diarrhea is a problem in signal channels your indigestion. Typically, this is caused by gastroenteritis or inflammatory tract due to virus infection or indigestion. A mild infection that can be recovered without the need for a specific treatment. Make sure you drink a lot so as not to experience dehydration.

6. Decreased appetite

These complaints can be felt in a wide range of disease causes. However, this condition is most often due to an infection that accompanied the complaint fever, cough colds, nausea, or diarrhea. It can also be caused by psychological stress that triggers an increase in stomach acid so that the stomach feels full and quick satiety.

7. Weariness

Weariness is usually perceived as dull pain in the entire body. If it only lasts for a few days, possibly this is caused by a viral infection that causes flu-like light. However, when sore tends to settle and lasted more than two weeks, this possibility caused by other more serious diseases or triggered by prolonged stress.

8. Quickly tired and limp

Generally, this is a signal from the body so that you reduce the activity so that it can fight off the infection. Viral infections such as the flu are very contagious so you should not use to work so that others are not contracting. In addition, the body also needs enough rest in order to recover.
If this signal is constantly felt, beware going to chronic diseases such as less blood (anemia), heart failure, autoimmune disorders, chronic infections, or even cancer.

9. Out excessive sweating

Sweating is generally accompanied by the fever and chills caused by bacterial or viral infection, but can also arise due to the sweat glands are hyperactive as the effects of menopause. Beware if this happens outside of these conditions or when you are not exercising or activity is heavy. It could be that the underlying disease is cancer, heart attack, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), or tuberculosis infection.

10. Weight loss diet though not continue down

Some of you may feel pleased because weight unintentionally or without trying to diet. However, it is worth to watch because it could be a sign of the presence of chronic diseases such as infections of tuberculosis, HIV infection, cancer, diabetes, thyroid disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, and heart failure.

Instead, immediately consult a doctor if you lose significant amounts of weight. Approximately more than 5 percent of their initial weight within 6-12 last month. Note also the complaints that accompany this weight loss.

Don't get too late to seek treatment because it does not recognize the signals of the body if you are sick. Notice the intensity, his appearance (whether suddenly or slowly), and a perceived complaint longtime. The body of the sick need to focus their energy to support the immune system and the healing process. Therefore, care about the body with enough rest, enough to eat and drink, and check with your doctor immediately if the complaint or having deteriorating conditions change suddenly.

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