8 good habits to improve the quality of the brain

School and keep learning is indeed the main way to get the brain's acuity. But actually, there are many other ways that can be done to sharpen and enhance the capabilities and qualities of the brain.

When it was entered into the world of work, generally the pile of work can make a person difficult to remember other things has long been done. However, offered from the Best Life Online, there are several easy ways that you can do to come with a good memory.

1. Consumption of olive oil

In a study in Spain, found men who eat about 4 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil per day has increased language comprehension, attention, and reasoning better than people who do not eat fat healthy at all. In addition, the content of antioxidants in olive oil may also reduce inflammation of the brain.

2. Expand the consumption of vegetables, fruits, and fish

According to the Director of the UCLA Center's Longevity, Gary Small, m.d., antioxidants in fruits and vegetables may protect the brain from depreciation due to aging. A 40-year-old man should eat at least 2 cups of fruit and 3 cups of vegetables for maximum results. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish or fish oil supplements help the formation of myelin sheaths or fatty tissue that protects the central nervous cells, so you can avoid Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

3. Control your blood pressure

The higher the systolic blood pressure while still young (more than 120/80 mmHg), the more likely you are to lose your gray matter (gray matter) in the main area as you get older. Gray matter related to the ability of social cognition, that is a form of emotional intelligence. Then, controller your blood pressure early on, not too low and not too high.

4. Exercise regularly

In a study reported in Psychological Science, students who exercise regularly over the past two weeks showed an increase in memory. In the meantime, practicing cardio can also prevent you from Alzheimer's. Because of cardio exercises could unleash a flow of blood, so the brain cells could be better preserved. Therefore, work out regularly for at least 30 minutes a day, so keep your memory to function optimally.

5. Minimize stress

When you stress, cortisol will increase in the body and affects memory, thinking ability, as well as the production of neurotransmitters. Although avoiding stress it didn't seem possible, but it doesn't mean you can't minimize it. Do meditation when you feel a lot of pressure and familiarize themselves to not be too dizzying all criticism that comes to you, especially criticism that does not build up.

6. avoid concussions by wearing helmets

When driving with a bicycle or motorcycle, don't forget to wear a helmet in order to minimize the effects of collisions, especially concussion, while unwanted occurrence (accident) to happen. The reason, a concussion can cause brain damage lasts a long time and her recovery is not quick.

7. Minimize fat in the stomach

In a study, people who have a lot of fat in the abdomen, especially if you are over 40 years old, were exposed to a high risk of dementia later in life. This is because fat cells increase inflammation throughout the body, Your brain is no exception.

So, do weight training 3 times a week to melt fat visceral fat that wraps, namely the internal organs that can cause health problems.

8. Keep turn on the brain

If you still have time to spare, it's worth to take additional courses, foreign language courses such as art, music, art, cooking, and so on to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's cognitive disorders. Take advantage of the empty time to do brain teasers relating to the ability to remember, countings, and strategies, such as chess, TTS, bridge, or sudoku.

Such is the variety of ways that you can apply to improve your brain health as well as sharpen memory. With the physical and psychologically healthy, you will feel more eager to improve and sustain the ability of the brain. The above activities you can also balance with a healthy lifestyle. With the conditions of a healthy brain, your activity becomes more smoothly.

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