Often sports but still subject to heart disease, It Causes

The risk of the individual against heart disease is often associated with lack of physical activity or exercise. However, most individuals who routinely work out any remains may still be affected by heart disease. What is the cause?

Exercise and heart disease

You surely have heard that exercise has many health benefits. This activity can help prevent erosion of bone (osteoporosis), increasing the mass and muscle strength, as well as improve coordination and balance. In addition, regular exercise can lower the risk of various diseases related lifestyle, one of them is coronary heart disease.

For people who suffer from heart disease, regular exercise can decrease your risk of:
-       -   Deaths from heart disease
-       -   Recurrent heart attacks
-       -   Need procedures such as heart bypass or angioplasty to unleash a flow of blood

Well, while You are still healthy, with regular exercise you can lower the risk of experiencing heart disease later in life.

In the year 2013, a study found that high-intensity physical activity is associated with a decreased incidence of coronary heart disease 21 percent in men and 29 percent in women. Through this study, it can be concluded that a higher level of fitness with regard to mortality and complications due to heart disease.

Other risk factors for heart disease

Even so, the sport is not the only "antidote" to prevent someone affected by heart disease. There is the role of other factors, such as a healthy diet and certain customs.

If looking back, often you hear a friend, brother, public figure, or someone else you know have to coverage due to a heart attack when he was still relatively young. Not to mention concerned also known diligent exercise and her body looks ideal and athletic. How come, huh?

Medically, the condition, this can indeed happen when the individual concerned has a risk factor for coronary heart disease in the family. It could be that the individual is a heavy smoker who also tend to be overweight.

A heart attack is more likely to happen if someone has an unhealthy eating pattern, such as a diet high in sugar and saturated fats, has a companion such as a disease or high blood pressure, as well as having work or personal problems that cause high stress. The combination of these factors ultimately facilitates the formation of plaques in blood vessels that can lower or even clog the bloodstream.

Plaques-plaque is also more easily formed at those who have congenital abnormalities such as other hereditary, in which the body produces more cholesterol and fat deposits. Therefore, in cases like this, the workouts are not much help. Quite the contrary, exercise can induce a heart attack.

Why is this so? Because the heart is "forced" to work more, while cells of the heart itself get less oxygen and nutrients due to the resistance of blood flow.

Prevent heart attack with early detection

Indeed, heart disease in those who workout routine can be a silent killer because complaints are often vague, or due to less wary of risk factors will be complacent with regular exercise. In fact, this very preventable condition when doing routine early detection or medical examination periodically.

By conducting periodic medical examinations, risk factors can be assessed so that lifestyle can be modified and corrected immediately. In addition, abnormalities were found early on is certainly easier to overcome so that the incidence of heart attacks can be avoided. Types of sports were also later adapted to the results the doctor in order not to overload the heart.

So, even though it has a routine exercise, do not use to feel all is fine. In fact, there are several conditions or factors that make You can still be affected by heart disease. Since the age of 35 years, should do a periodic inspection or early detection of every two years. Especially when there is a history of heart disease in the family.

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