Five Drink to help Your Diet Program

A lot of people who want to lose weight just focus on food intake. In fact, the beverage you consume will also need to be informed so that the diet program is successful.

You realize it or not, Your drinks often contain excessive calorie consumption. For example, the packaging of juice sold in the market.

Well, to maximize Your diet program, try the following five healthy drinks:

1. Water

Drink eight glasses of water a day is advice from medical experts. In addition to healthy, drink plain water can also suppress hunger.

When a person feels hungry constantly, it could be a matter of fact he was just thirsty or need a drink. So, try to drink one to two glasses of water before meals to reduce the portion of the meal.

2. Green tea

Based on research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, participants who drank four cups of green tea per day for 2 months can lose weight 2.7 kg more compared with participants who only drink water, White.

Another study from the European Journal of Nutrition says that the people who consume green tea regularly can lose weight more quickly. If you want to drink green tea, you should choose green tea still fresh and without any additional.

3. Coffee

Coffee drink of choice often becomes in drowsiness and need energy. Based on research published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, participants who drank coffee before exercise has increased stamina and was able to do exercises 20% higher.

However, if you want to drink coffee, choose a black coffee without cream, or other calorie additions.

4. Vegetable and fruit juices 

Rightly vegetable and fruit are best eaten right away. However, sometimes the bustle is high keeps you no longer had time to prepare it and prefer juice.

Vegetable juices turned out to be the same a have nutrition with fruit juice, even the calories can also be lower than fruit juice. A glass of tomato juice contains 41 calories, while orange juice can reach 122 calories. If you want to make your own juice at home, choose vegetables or fruits high in fiber to keep you fuller.

5. Low-fat milk

Who said milk should be avoided while dieting? Milk is high in calcium will be known. Consuming food or drink a high calcium, of course, is very good for health. Choose low-fat milk to keep the extra calories in your diet. In addition, the milk can also make you a more full.

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