Read The Various Signs Of The Disease Through The Nail

Generally, a healthy nail will look clean and smooth. However, towards the elderly, the nail will look duller. This change is a normal process and does not need to worry. But Interestingly, some signs of the disease are also known from the condition of the nails.

On certain conditions, changes in the nails can indicate the presence of a disease. Here is a form of mandatory changes concern:

1. Nails look pale

A healthy nail will look pink with a color slightly darker at the edges. If then the nails become pale colored, you need to be alert. One of the possible causes of anemia is a condition where the body, a deficiency of red blood cells that are rich in oxygen.

Lack of oxygen levels can also be caused by weakness of the heart in pumping blood to the body, including the nails. To ensure the conditions required, laboratory examination of anemia. Whereas to evaluate heart condition required physical examination along with supporting such as echocardiography.

2. Bluish-colored Nails

Similar to nails that are pale, bluish-colored fingernails indicate the area gets less oxygen. This condition commonly experienced by someone who has a history of cardiac disorders or chronic pulmonary disease. To ensure there is a second disease, the required physical examination directly. It also needs to be a range of extras such as lung x-rays examination.

3. Cracked Nails

The presence of fungal infection on fingernails can be characterized by the condition of the nails are cracked. These allegations will be more powerful when a nail breaks out accompanied by a change color to yellowish. Yeast infection in the nail bed is one type of disease that is difficult to cure and takes quite a long time for treatment.

Before providing treatment, diagnosis must first be ascertained by examination of kerokan nails under the microscope. This is done to see directly the presence of fungus on the nails.

4. The black lines on the nail

One of the signs required serious attention is the black lines on the nail. Because this type of line can be a sign of the presence of a type of skin cancer melanoma.

Melanoma is a type of cancer that is aggressive and tough crusts. However, with early diagnosis and proper treatment, life expectancy can be sustained with more optimal.

5. Nail-like spoons

Never seen a nail shape concave like a spoon? This condition is one of those affected by the iron deficiency anemia. In the medical world, the shape of the nail that is named koilonychia.

In addition to iron deficiency anemia, koilonychia can also be caused by the presence of impaired heart function, disease lupus erythematosus, and condition of the thyroid hormone that are too low (hypothyroid).

6. The base of the nail which is swollen

Not only the surface of the nail, but skin conditions at the base of the nail is also obliged to be attentive. The base of the nail that looks red and swollen can occur due to inflammation of the surrounding tissue, either in or on the body as a whole. Inflammation in the body that also looks on the nail can be found on the case of the disease lupus erythematosus.

7. Nail exhausted be bitten

Like bite nail unwittingly? Caution, these habits can signify the presence of psychiatric disorders, including anxiety disorders. The sufferer usually does the habits that will reduce anxiety in the face of certain situations. This condition should consult a doctor in order to get a proper handling.

Abnormalities in the nails cannot be used as a guideline only that shows sign of certain diseases. Although he found things over on your nails, consulting a doctor and another examination was still needed to confirm the diagnosis of health disorders on the body.

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