4 causes of Weight go up When Menstruation

The scales Ascend towards the menstruation is not a strange thing for most women. Also, you might include. "Usually the weight increase by 0.5 to 1.3 kilograms," said Monica Svets, MD, Gynecologic experts from Cleveland Clinic, as reported by the Prevention. There are also some women who experience weight gain up to 2 kilograms.

The following are four common causes of menstrual time ride weight:

1.    1. Hormonal changes trigger the body to retain water

The impending menstruation, your body will probably feel bloated and full. This is not just a feeling, really. In fact, the body will retain water during menstruation which then makes you a little more contained and raise the weight. "Fluctuations in the hormones secreted by the adrenal glands called aldosterone causes water retention (excess fluid buildup in the body)," said Dr. Svets.
However, you do not need to worry. According to Angela Chaudhari, MD, Gynecology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, and water retention in your network will be swept away by itself after hormone levels decline.

1.   2. Experiencing a food craving

Often feel like to eat chocolate, cheese, and ice cream while menstruating? This is a very normal thing. The desire to eat the fast food diet does indeed frustrate will be higher while the coming months. But researchers still do not know why women experience premenstrual food craving.
"The exact cause for this craving is still unknown. But as far as we know, the high levels of progesterone during menstruation seem to affect. So ahead of menstrual women will be more inclined to eat foods that are high in fat, salt, and sugar, "said Dr. Chaudhari.
But you should not easily exhaust by hormones. Keep on implementing healthy eating patterns during menstruation. The reason, according to Dr. Chaudhari, eating too many sweets will make your energy decreases. If you want to satisfy their taste buds, better choose dark chocolate or peanut butter that is low in sugar and salt than other high sugar snacks.

2.   3. You are not powered to do sports
To be honest, the desire to lift the body off the mattress and exercising is indeed difficult when menstruation. This is no explanation. According to Dr. Chaudhari, at the beginning of menstruation, your hormone levels will drop at once. This later led to women having lower energy.
When it is combined with eating foods high in fat and sugar, the effect is, of course, a waist circumference so more contained. But you should still set aside time to move. A number of studies show that exercise can reduce the symptoms of PMS and menstrual pain.
Moreover, if you feel the weight of the body is already heavy, good when menstruation or any other time, the only way to fix it is to move.

3.   4. The digestive tract was not functioning properly
"Your hormones (particularly progesterone) are the cause of the onset of flatulence and gas," said Dr. Chaudhari. The menstrual period may also trigger changes in a bowel movement that makes you feel uncomfortable.

The best way to overcome constipation and stomach problems is by increasing your intake of water, moving more actively, and consuming lots of fiber, said Dr. Chaudhari.

That's four causes of your weight goes up when the menstruation. But if you feel the scales to soar dramatically, you should immediately consult the doctor. Because this can be a sign of kidney problems or endocrine.

1 Response to "4 causes of Weight go up When Menstruation"

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