The Size Of This Body Part Can Show Your Health Condition

As it turns out, the size of certain body parts can show Your health condition. Body parts anywhere?
How proportional the size of all the parts of your body? In fact, during this most people just focus on the size of the body in General, such as FAT or skinny body. In fact, the size of some part of the body can also indicate the condition of one's health.

For example, a few years ago there was a study in the United States that shows that men with smaller testicle tend to be more involved in parenting. Not without reason, but investigators indicated that lower testosterone levels may also decrease fertility. This condition is said to be able to channel all his energies to other things like other things like parenting.

Look at the size of this part of the body
In addition to the examples mentioned above, there are also some sizes of body parts that can show Your health conditions, such as:

1 Small Ear
The ears are small and Petite may seem interesting. However, it turns out that this condition could indicate you are more susceptible to else.
"Small-sized ear means Liang ears (ear canal). This allows you more at risk of experiencing eczema ears, "said George Murty, consultant ENT at the University Hospitals of Leicester, United Kingdom.
"Liang ears lined with skin like leather, and in General, he's peeling. Skin exfoliate it should be banished to the outer ear. However, due to its small ears Liang, disposal is so much more difficult so that the skin is left on the inside. This condition can cause itching badly, regardless of whether You've suffered else in other parts of the body, "he explained to the Daily Mail Online. This condition is known as otitis externa.

In addition, there is also a link between the size of small ears (specifically the earlobe) and problems in the kidneys. Said George, if your ears are small and his position is too low below eye level, sometimes indicates kidney problems or will experience it later at a later date.

2. Large Tongue
The great looking tongue could mean you are prone to obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that causes the respiratory disturbance during sleep and affects about 4 percent of middle-aged men and 2 percent of middle-aged women in the United Kingdom.

"If you have large tonsils, tongue or two conditions that could obstruct the airway while you sleep. If mild, you'll snore. If it is severe, can occur during sleep breath stop that can reach 30 seconds, "Frank George.

Small jaw and down could also take part because the tongue is attached to the jaw. If the jaw (or Chin) is too backward, the tongue is more likely to impede the path of your breath.
Decreased levels of oxygen in the blood suddenly associated with sleep apnea and this can raise blood pressure and puts stress on the cardiovascular system.

3. Big Hips
Shape your hips like a PEAR skin condition associated with concentration and easy terdistraksi (brain fog) in menopausal women. Researchers at Northwestern University in the U.S. learn the type of body and memory test scores on almost 8,750 women aged 65-79 years postmenopausal. The great hip participants had a lower score.

The theory is that fat can contribute to cognitive problems by limiting blood flow to the brain. However, there needs to be more research about the link between the two. Researchers also indicate that you are a great hip more susceptible exposed to diabetes and heart disease.

4. Small Thighs
Based on studies in Denmark against nearly 3,000 men and women, found that people with smaller thighs have a higher risk of heart disease and early death. The researchers suspect that a low muscle mass in the thigh effect on insulin sensitivity.

Meanwhile, researchers at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, noted that the fat in the thighs, hips, and buttocks can make the fatty acids from food trapped, preventing it from entering into the bloodstream so so accumulate in organs. Long, this can be harmful to the body.

5. Bigeye
Large eyes can mean you have to rely on glasses or contact lenses. If the size of the eyes of the 1 mm longer than 24 mm (average size), it could be You who have low vision. Immediately use the glasses to be able to help your eyesight.

Although almost all the above research needs further research, it does not hurt to be more vigilant. Try more sensitive to body condition and note if there is the slightest change, including the size of the body parts mentioned above. Do health checks on a regular basis, and if you have a complaint that makes you uncomfortable, better check with your doctor immediately.

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